WHAT Rickman KNOWS NOW -- 
     -- HE HAS FOUGHT AGAINST Rathva AND torques, (BUT NOT galliard). 

Set Up: Rangers are securing a convoy carrying Union and Commonwealth delegates to a commemorative event on Achilles-003. The convoy makes it, but there is hell to pay once Rickman begins the voyage back.
NOTE: After talking to Merchant Kess during “The Informant,” and then exploring the Aurora to find side missions, Rickman and wing-man are departing the Aurora. This is the trigger for Intel Officer Slauge to contact them when they moved 500 meters away from the trading post. 
Slauge: Ensign Rickman … I’m glad you’re in your starfighter. You’re needed immediately to escort a delegation from the Union and Commonwealth that is traveling to an event on Achilles-003. Another team was set for this mission, but unfortunately, they’re not available. 
Rickson: What happened?
Slauge: We’re investigating, but we don’t suspect either the Rathva or the Torques. And while it could be the Galliard, well … um … we’re investigating. Let’s leave it at that.
Arman: A real mystery! We should proceed with the utmost caution.
Fitz: This sounds more than a little suspicious!
Charleanne: I say ditch the delegating and start investigating!
Slauge: Your comments are duly noted. Mission Priority #1 is the delegation. Nothing can interfere with them reaching Spear-002. Do you understand?
Rickman: Roger that, ma’am.
Arman: Absolutely our top priority.
Fitz: Consider it done.
Charleanne: You can count on us!
NOTE: Rickman and wing-man get to the convoy’s location just as the HUD shows a wave of Rathva attackers approaching -- seven ships. The Rathva slavers attack with little discipline; describing their attack as a wave pictures it well. The older-style ships bob and weave as they move, more like a cloud of particles than a coordinated attack. Rickman and wing-man defend against the closest first, destroying them in time to prepare for the next ship that closes in. Rickman earns 10 points per ship destroyed. 
NOTE: Once the wave of attackers is destroyed, Rickman and wing-man escort the convoy the remainder of the way to Achilles-003. They are then given the all clear by the Achilles' OIC (Officer In Charge):
Achilles OIC: We have the delegation, Rangers. Thanks for the escort. You are free to return to your base. 
Rickman: Acknowledge, Achilles-003. Returning to base.
Slauge: Fine work, Ensign Rickson. See you back here ASAP. There is much more on your plate today.
NOTE: The Player should believe that this is the end of the mission. Nothing is done to make them believe otherwise. So, Rickman begins the journey back to Claymore-001. 
NOTE: When Rickman arrives at the first jump gate, this triggers an SOS signal from Achilles-003. 
SFX: SOS transmission
Rickman: What the hell. We just left there! 
Arman: How could there be trouble at Achilles-003? We just left there!
Fitz: What did they tell us in Ranger school? Expect the unexpected. 
Charleanne: I smell a trap … so let’s go get ourselves involved in it!!
NOTE: Rickman and wing-man arrive back at Achilles-003. 
SFX: SOS transmission
Rickman: Ensign Rickman calling Achilles-003 (pause) 
SFX: Static on the channel
SFX: SOS transmission
Rickman: Ensign Jordan Rickman calling Achilles-003. Do you read me?
SFX: Static on the channel
SFX: SOS transmission
Rickman: Someone PLEASE kill the SOS.
NOTE: SOS transmission stop mid-signal.
Arman: Sorry. I was annoyed by it, too. 
Fitz: Roger. It should have stopped automatically when we arrived. 
Charleanne: Absolutely. I literally wanted to KILL it. 
NOTE: A voice breaks into the chatter, a scary, nasty pirate voice. The voice of local Rathva authority: Cliff “Red” Piedrabuena. 
Piedrabuena: About time you got back. I needed a trophy to give to my faction now that we secured this station, took its goods, and locked up your precious delegation. I think the head of a rookie Ranger will do just fine. 
NOTE: Five Rathva Gen-01 fighters launch from the station and attack Rickman and wing-man. Because they are old tech, Rickson has little trouble with them. He is awarded 10 points per kill. When two of the fighters are left, this triggers Rickman’s taunt:
Rickman: You’re going to have to do better than that, “Red,” or should I call you Cliff?
Piedrabuena: Call me whatever you want, Ranger. My comrades did not die in vain. You want better? We give you better. 
NOTE: Five new ships launch from Achilles-003 These are the latest in Ranger starfighter/mecha craft. They are equal in firepower to what Rickson has. The tide of battle swings toward the Rathva. At this time, perhaps the game’s AI can be skewed so that the Rathva starfighters are more maneuverable than Rickson’s, but don’t fire rapidly enough to simply kill Rickson and wing-man right away. This will make the fight seem more one sided without immediately knocking Rickson out. 
Rickman: The new starfighters are too much for the two of us!
Arman: Yes! We should put a tracker on one so we can find the delegation later.
Fitz: They’re good. Let’s get a tracker on one of them so we can find the delegation later.
Charleanne: They cheated!  But let’s track them so we can find the delegates later.
Rickman: I’m sure you’re monitoring us, Officer Slauge. How is that strategy?
Slauge: I concur. I’m sending a quest marker. Place the tracker, then cover your tracks while you escape. 
NOTE: Rickman places the tracker on the starfighter that Slauge has marked. This triggers a new event: Approaching Rickman’s current location is a transport-style vessel. It is the same type of vessel that the Player first saw in “Mercenary Interdiction.” The Player might recognize the vessel as the Galliard, and if they do it is a pat on the back for knowing so before being told. They may also realize that the Galliard faction is fully involved in working behind the scenes with the other pirate factions.
Rickman: Another vessel approaching, Officer Slauge. It is docking at Achilles-003.
Arman: The blackguards!! We’ve seen this vessel before.
Fitz: Well, hello again. I believe we’ve crossed paths with these fellas before.
Charleanne: I recognize his vessel. We’ve seen it before! 
Slauge: Yes. They’re Galliard. This is a game changer. Return to base at once. 
HEROIC NOTE: Rickson wants to provide more information to Slauge about what is happening. This is very noble, if misguided
Rickman: Permission to hack the transport, Officer Slauge. We’ll never have a better chance to see what they’re up to!
Arman: Yes! Hacking them is the honorable strategy.
Fitz: We’re really good at hacking, Officer Goda. Let’s give it a shot.
Charleanne: Hacking is boring, but in this case it makes sense!
Slauge: Negative, Ensign. Negative. You’ll get blown up and we won’t get any info. Take the long route home via Dis and Sparta. Call it an impromptu security sweep. We all have some thinking to do and I don’t want you getting ambushed by coming directly to Claymore-001.
Rickman: Roger. Security sweep past Dis and Sparta. 
Arman: This will take us away for a considerable time!
Fitz: Damn. I had a date planned for tonight!
Charleanne: Security sweep!?! What did we do to deserve this?
Rickman: You heard the lady … Let’s hit the road.
NOTE: Rickman and wing-man plot course toward Dis and set off in that direction.
VENGEFUL NOTE: Rickman wants to surprise attack the newly-discovered Galliard transport, preventing them from doing whatever they’re going to do at Achilles-003:
Rickman: Permission to attack the transport, Officer Slauge. We’ll never have a better chance to sneak attack them and drive them away!
Arman: Yes! Destroying them is the honorable thing to do.
Fitz: The best defense is a good offense. Let’s nuke the bastards!
Charleanne: I’m all for mixing it up, boss! Give us a shot at ‘em!!
Slauge: Negative, Ensign. Negative. You’re a great pilot, but you’ll just get blown up. Take the long route home via Dis and Sparta. Call it an impromptu security sweep. We all have some thinking to do and I don’t want you getting ambushed by coming directly to Claymore-001.
Rickman: Roger. Security sweep past Dis and Sparta. 
Arman: This will take us away for a considerable time!
Fitz: Damn. I had a date planned for tonight!
Charleanne: Security sweep!?! What did we do to deserve this?
Rickman: I hate it, too. But you heard the lady ... 
NOTE: Rickman and wing-man plot course toward Dis and set off in that direction.
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