"Prisoner of the Horned Helmet" was a comic book proposal that was created by Johnny B. Gerardy, Tim Vigil and Tom Carroll. It was based on the book of the same name by James Silke that's based on the character created by fantasy artist Frank Frazetta. While the idea and visuals were presented to Silke, the project failed to gain traction and was shelved. Tom scripted the first page. Pages two and three were not scripted.

PAGE ONE (five panels)
Panel 1. COBRA and GATH stand next to the footing of a stone bridge that spans a portion of the Brain Chamber. The chamber is a conical space lifting high over a series of lava-filled pits. The atmosphere inside the chamber struggles between the light of the flaming lava and the sinewy ropes of sooty smoke rising between the tongues of flame. Cobra looks eagerly at what lies across the bridge’s span; Gath is curious, but cautious.
Come, you can see it better from here.
Panel 2. Gath and Cobra stand together gazing across the bridge. We see what they see - a compact object brightly shining, hovering above a pedestal of stone, but mostly obscured by smoke and flames.
Panel 3. Closer now, the flames and smoke are pulling back and the object is recognizable as a helmet, but many details are lost because of distance and the objects shininess.
Panel 4. Very close, the flames hold the helmet in air and now we see that the object is a magnificent HORNED HELMET outlined sharply against the billowing grey and yellow smoke.
It is beautiful, isn’t it? You can feel its power even from here.
Panel 5. High angle on Gath and looking down on the shorter form of Cobra standing next to him. Both faces are outlined by the fire from the lava pits and the blazing object in the distance. Cobra’s eyes are locked onto Gath, but the barbarian cannot tear his gaze away from the helmet.
It is made with magic. From the spirit of a thousand tyrants and warriors, and from metal which has drunk so deeply of conquest it has assumed its own spirit, its own nature.